Anal Fissures and An Oligo-Antigenic Diet!

Anal Fissures and An Oligo-Antigenic Diet!
A diet without dairy products, wheat, eggs, chocolate and tomatoes (oligo-antigenic diet), along with medical treatment improved the rate of healing in chronic anal fissures. Read abstract of study here: Oligo-antigenic diet in the treatment of chronic anal fissures. Evidence for a relationship between food hypersensitivity and anal fissures.

Try my Basic Elimination Diet (BED Diet) for his condition and other bowel disorders along with probiotics, and for anal fissures some vitamin A, vitamin C and zinc for wound healing. This condition, if chronic, may require a comprehensive stool exam that looks for bacterial overgrowth, yeast, parasites, diversity in the intestinal flora and digestive function and bowel inflammation.

Be and Stay Well,

You can call Kirk for brief health and medical questions at Health Associates Medical Group where he works at (916)489-4400 Monday thru Friday 8-9:00 a.m. PST.

Prescription 2000 Inc.- A health education company committed to the prevention and reversal of chronic diseases by lifestyle.
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Prescription 2000 Animal-Free Dietary Supplements – 3 basic dietary supplements (Multivitamin/Mineral, Glucosamine Powder and Capsules) that are manufactured with no animal products in the processing or in the starting materials.
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