PowerAging…Why Do I Use This Term? (article)

Since this is my first post at KirksPowerAging.com I should probably tell you why I chose the term “PowerAging” to be part of my website name and part of the titles of products I produce. It’s very simple.

Age-related diseases (ARDs), chronic diseases or non-communicable diseases all mean the same thing. They are diseases that occur with aging, most frequently becoming evident after the age of 40, and they account for more than 60% of the world’s deaths, 70% of the U.S. deaths and 80% of China’s deaths….and, the most important aspect of ARDs is they are largely preventable by lifestyle (diet, physical activity, stopping smoking and reducing alcohol consumption).

These diseases account for more than 75% of the U.S.A.’s enormous healthcare budget (almost 20% of our GDP), or, about $12 of every 100 this country produces goes to treat these diseases. These are diseases like heart disease (#1 killer of men and women), diabetes, obesity, bone loss, lung diseases, eye disorders like cataract, macular degeneration and glaucoma, what are call the neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, etc.), arthritis, etc. These diseases are devastating and must be delt with by prevention and lifestyle because countries and their economies can not treat them as our aging population grows rapidly…and that includes the United States. The party is over! We have to prevent these diseases and create lifestyles that allow us to “PowerAge” over the next century.

PowerAging does not mean to just age gracefully, it means to actively take control of your health with assertiveness as you age and try and become more vibrant, functional, independent and contributing to society into your late 80s, 90s and 100s. So you have to “PowerAge“. No sit on your butt and watch yourselves slowly waste away.

Maybe because I am 57 I feel the sense of urgency of my own aging. Maybe it is that I see the results of my own lifestyle compared to others and I have done some things right. I know in part its’ because I see patients every day who have these chronic diseases that researchers have proven can be slowed, prevented or reversed with a committed lifestyle change and the attitude, “Maker You Health a Fun Part-Time Job (page 56 of my book). We have to do something because world economies can’t afford these diseases as the world rapidly ages.

But the good news is we now how to prevent and reverse many of these diseases and it is usually with our forks, our months and our feet (walk!).

I will leave you with my two favorite short videos that show clearly we can do this…These two videos are from our wonderful Okinawan (elders) brothers and sisters who remain independent, physically active and functional into their late 80s, 90s and 100s. We can learn from them. Watch them both. Short, sweet and powerful.

Secret of Long Life In Okinawa (3 minutes)

It’s Not Their Genes! The Okinawan Paradox: Remarkable Aging Living the Elder’s Way Versus The Western Diet and Chronic Disease Epidemic Emerging in Okinawa (4 minutes)


Prescription 2000 Inc.- A health education company committed to the prevention and reversal of chronic diseases by lifestyle.
Kirk Hamilton’s Websites: Presription2014.com    KirksPowerAging.com
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“Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane” book by Kirk Hamilton –
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Kirks 21 Day PowerAging Program for Business Travelers (E-Book and Course)
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Staying Healthy Tools (Products and Services)
Prescription 2000 Animal-Free Dietary Supplements – 4 basic dietary supplements (Multivitamin/Mineral, Bone Support and Glucosamine Powder and Capsules) that are manufactured with no animal products in the processing or in the starting materials.
Kirk Hamilton’s CV:
Email: KirkHamilton@prescription2000.com