A Whole-Food Plant-Based Diet and Lifestyle – The Prescription for a Healthy World and Environment (41:50 min) T. Colin Campbell, PhD is the author of the book “Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition,” (2013) and co-authored with his son, Thomas Campbell, MD the “The China Study” (2005). He was one of the co-investigators of the China Project started in the early 1980s, along with researchers from England and China, that studied 6500 subjects in 65 counties in rural China on the effects of diet and chronic disease (Outstanding summary videos of the China Project – a must watch!; Dr. Campbell’s review of the China Project; Chinese Dietary Pattern 1980s) He is featured in the documentary, “Fork’s Over Knives” and most recently a documentary directed by his son, Neslon Cambpell “Plant Pure Nation“.
Dr. Campbell is the Jacob Gould Schurman Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry at Cornell University and founder of The T. Colin Campbell Foundation, a non-profit organization that provides scientific health information to the public, without influence from industry or commercial interests. Dr. Campbell has more than seventy grant-years of peer-reviewed research funding and has authored more than 300 research papers. Dr. Campbell has also developed an extremely successful online E-Course at Cornell for professionals and the public at the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies (Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate).
Dr. Campbell was raised on a dairy farm and did his early research with a focus on showing that consuming animal protein from sources such as dairy foods was good for general health and would help prevent malnutrition in developing countries. His research from the China Project in the early 1980s and research at Cornell, including his early research on increased dairy protein in the diet increasing the risk to aflatoxin-induced liver cancer in Filipino children, challenged his core beliefs about the health benefits of consuming animal foods and led him to conduct research that allowed him to “turn on” cancer with the introduction higher levels of animal-based proteins (casein) and “turn off” cancer by reducing the amount protein or switching to plant-based proteins.
In his book “Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition (2013)” he makes the case for the reductionistic approach to health and medicine being a failure by utilizing a drug or single nutrients to treat chronic diseases. Nutrition is a complexed interaction of thousands of chemicals and reactions in the body that can only be successfully treated with a whole food, plant-based diet rich in connected compounds that prevent and many times cure the chronic diseases of modern society (heart disease, diabetes, some cancers, etc.).
Dr. Campbell also shares his deep concern about lack of tenure for researchers and teachers at academic institutions because of corporate influences on financing research and negative responses to research that does not support corporate business interests. He also shares his experience how the Kentucky State Legislature’s voted down a proposal to study the health benefits of incorporating plant based nutrition into the community because of corporate influences which led to his son’s, Nathan, documentary Plant-Pure Nation.
Dr. Campbell ends with a message of hope. His son Thomas Campbell, MD has become director of a nutrition education program for medical students at a major medical school. He son Nathan Campbell, with his establishment of PlantPureNation.com, the documentary Plant Pure Nation, the Plant Pure food service (Quick Start), as well as the development of Plant-Pure Pods is successfully spreading the message of whole-food plant-based diets not only being able to promote health and healing, but also being accepted by the general public, which is spreading the message of nutrition education on a grass roots level. He notes many creative ideas from professional colleagues and is especially heartened by the interest of physicians on the incorporating of whole-food plant-based nutrition to prevent and treat chronic diseases.
He is still extremely busy lecturing and teaching nationally and internationally speaking on the benefits of plant-based nutrition and remains passionate about this topic and sees no reason to slow down because his health and passion are high.
Be and Stay Well,
You may call Kirk Hamilton PA-C Monday thru Friday 8-9 a.m. PST at 916-489-4400 for brief medical questions at Health Associates Medical Group. (for information about Health Associates go to KwikerMedical.com)
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